Garden of Old Roses
South of the Main Lawn is one of the park's two main gardens. An ornate sign reads, "The Garden of Old Roses." Designed and maintained by the park, the garden features a grand double border garden. In the early spring, the gardens are flush with spring flowers such as winter Aconite and Snow Drops. At the west end of the lawn, vining plants drape the Brumm Arbor in lush foliage and flowers. At the east end, closest to the pavillion, is the Focal Garden which was redesigned and planted in 2014.
The Garden of Roses is a visually stunning garden. As the season progresses into the late spring and summer, the plants bolt reaching heights that tower over park goers, creating a sense of privacy in the hear of a very popular park garden.

North of the main lawn you will find the Adopt-a-Plot gardens; a favorite destination for picnickers, garden enthusiasts, weddings and photographers. In 1980, park volunteers working at the Krohn Conservatory accepted the challenge to establish the Adopt-a-Plot gardens in response to the terrible decline experienced throughout the park.
What you see today is the result of their hard work and countless hours of planting, digging, weeding, mulching and tending to gardens that are as diverse as the gardeners who keep them. Irrigation and watering assistance is provided by the park and mulch and other non-plant material items (such as signage) are made possible by funding from the Ault Park Advisory Council.
Each of the 39 gardens are designed, installed and maintained by local, volunteer gardeners. The gardens are partitioned by a planting of Taxus and Magnolias. Twin walkways border the front and back of the plots that face the center lawn. These gardens are formal in design; showcasing perennials, annuals, bulbs and small trees and shrubs. A few of the distinct garden styles include a scented geranium garden, herb garden, shade garden and a drought tolerant garden.
Great Lawn Garden
At the west end of the Great Lawn is the Great Lawn Garden. This is one of Ault's Park's largest gardens, installed in the fall of 2013 and the spring of 2014. This grand, sweeping garden follows the perimeter of the circular wall which can be seen from the Observatory entrance.
The Great Lawn Garden signifies the importance of our Ault Park Advisory Council members. This garden was made possible only through individual contributions from our membership.