Help Keep the Trail Network Safe, secure and spectacular.
Work continues on the Trail Preservation Project. This complex multi-year Project is to repair and enhance the five-plus miles of hiking trails traversing Ault Park. The trail network is a key feature of the park and a source of great enjoyment. This is an expensive, extensive endeavor. Please continue to donate to fund the program.
The Invasive Species Removal portion of the overall Trail Preservation project began last Fall. APAC is partnering with the Cincinnati Parks Land Management & Conservation Department to implement the program as it’s vital to maintaining a healthy trail system. Volunteers are being trained by Parks personnel. Upon completion of training and initial field work, volunteers will be directed to specific areas to begin clearing.
Did you know?
Not only do the invasive plants need to be removed (pulled and the roots killed by spraying) BUT THEN, “good” plants need to be planted in the newly opened space. This two-step process works to ensure the invasive plants do not regerminate, and it secures the trail structure.
Come enjoy the Trail System — even as work continues. The network of trails are a source of great enjoyment, recreation, relaxation and education. We are, indeed, fortunate.