As soon as spring arrives, those who toil in the gardens will get the inevitable question, What are the Adopt-a-Plots and who takes care of them?
The Plots are a wonderful way in which members of the community care for a tiny section of the park. Many years ago the park was in a bit of a mess. Part of the solution was to invite avid gardeners to take over a little plot of land in the park and create something beautiful.
And boy have they!
Today, volunteers plan, plant and maintain an ornamental plot in the Adopt-a-Plot gardens. They purchase their own plants, tend to the garden, weed, water and most importantly talk with park goers, usually about gardening. Each plot has a small sign with the garden’s name and the name of the gardener(s).
The plots have irrigation and APAC provides the mulch. But the rest, what you see, is the the result of many wonderfully dedicated gardeners giving a bit of their time and talent to the park so everyone can have a more beautiful experience.
Because the plots are designed by different gardeners, visitors get to experience a wide variety of garden styles and plants. It’s a great way to get ideas for your own home landscape.